Austin 7 on Arrival in The States (videos)

The owner of a lovely Austin 7 has been kind enough to send us a few videos of the car on arrival in New Jersey, USA!

Here’s the car in all its glory:

According to the owner (Chris), the Austin 7 was one of the cheapest cars you could buy when released in 1937 at just over one hundred pounds! Adjusted for inflation, that’s roughly £6,856 today.

Chris says that this model was bought back in 1977 and gifted to Chris on his 17th birthday by his father.

“It was my first car and being already forty years old it was a great hit with me, but not so much for my girlfriend at the time!  “

Chris tells us that the car was originally rated at just 7hp… For some perspective, a modern riding lawnmower ranges from 13 to 30 horsepower.

“This mighty little car was my sole means of transport for years.

Some notable achievements were reaching a scary top speed of 72 mph on the closed TT course on the Isle of Man during our 50 year jubilee (downhill of course…and absolutely terrifying since we only had cable brakes and virtually no dampers).

Another achievement I was proud of, was at one time giving a lift to four mates squeezed in and on the Austin on the way home from the pub. The cops pulled us over and the understanding officer let me off without a ticket, but the three folks who were perched on top of the car had to get off and walk.”

Whilst we don’t recommend giving your mates a lift on top of your car… it’s still a great story and an achievement nonetheless!

“So now in 2020, I finally saved up enough to get the car from my Father in Scotland over to my home in New Jersey. “

And here’s the car as it arrives at Chris’ home in New Jersey!

And lastly, a short clip of Chris taking her out for a spin!

If you’re interested in learning more about the Austin 7, back in January we covered the history behind the Austin 7 and how you can get your hands on one.

If you’re shipping a classic car from the UK, get in touch with Autoshippers today or click here for a free quote!