Adelaide Car Shipping Port
Port of Adelaide, Australia. Container and RoRo Car Shipping facilities.
Autoshippers car shipping services to Adelaide port from the UK. Container and RoRo shipping facilities at Adelaide, Australia. Port facts and figures. If you are shipping a car from the UK to Adelaide please use our car shipping quote form on this page for rates and prices and further details of our international car shipping services to Adelaide.

The Port of Adelaide (Australia)
Port Adelaide Enfield is a suburb of the city of Adelaide, situated 14 km northwest of the State Capital. At the centre of Australia's southern coast, it was initially the only link between South Australia and the rest of the world. Port Adelaide was South Australia's first State Heritage Area, and still provides the main shipping service point in South Australia.
Port Adelaide was first explored by Col. William Light, first Surveyor-General of South Australia in 1836, who went on to choose the location and layout of the city of Adelaide. He had intended to link the city to the port by way of a canal, but investment was never found as the distance was a great inconvenience. Having previously been mangrove swamps, the port suffered from a lack of fresh water and quantities of mosquitoes. As a result the port acquired the soubriquet "Port Misery" by 1840.
A tender was awarded by the Governor to the South Australian Company to construct a wharf, warehouse and roadway, and it was completed in 1840 on reclaimed land, which accommodated vessels up to 539 tons.
Ambitious plans exist for the redevelopment of the Port Adelaide site, which had declined with the development of shopping malls and other retail opportunities. Under the guidance of a Port Renewal Steering Committee, the plan is to encourage more people to work and live and invest in the area.
The Port of Adelaide comprises of over 20 wharves, a container terminal and an inner and outer harbour. The inner harbour is 11km upstream from the outer harbour on the Port River.
The Inner Harbour motor vehicle terminal caters for imports, including roll-on/roll-off with an indicative axle weight of 12 tons, while other facilities handle bulk cargo exports. The Ro/Ro shore ramp is at berth 25 of the Inner Harbour. The outer harbour has 6 berths, and handles specialised cargoes including roll-on/roll-off.
Maximum Length Overall (LOA) for the Outer Harbour is daylight: in or out 300m, darkness: in or out 300m. Mean high water spring tide is 2.4m, neap tide is 1.3m.
Facts of Interest
- • The land-side infrastructure is owned and operated by Flinders Ports.
- • A Port Festival is held in October, celebrating the maritime history, arts and culture of the port.
Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal
ACN 004 898 828
Berth 6, Coghlan Road, Outer Harbor SA 5018
PO Box
19, Port Adelaide 5015
Telephone +61 8 8248 9300
Facsimile +61 8 8248 9370
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